A collection of the most Frequently Asked Questions and our Answers


Q: I seek help at the DIGNITAS-clinic…

A: DIGNITAS - To live with dignity - To die with dignity (this the correct name, "DIGNITAS" is an abbreviation used for easier reading) is not a clinic. The 'DIGNITAS-clinic' is a label invented by the tabloids and re-copied by incompetent journalists. In fact, DIGNITAS is a help-to-live and right-to-die association, a not-for-profit member's society, in line with Swiss law.

Q: So, DIGNITAS is a not-for-profit member society… can I become a member?

A: Any individual of legal age and full capacity of discernment may sign-up as a member of DIGNITAS.

Q: What is the goal of DIGNITAS?

A: To become unnecessary, to disappear: When DIGNITAS’ work and advisory concept of combining palliative care, suicide attempt prevention, advance directives and assisted dying, and the right to freedom of choice and self-determination in life and at life’s end, is implemented in public health care and social welfare systems worldwide, no one will need to turn to DIGNITAS anymore.

: How do I become a member of DIGNITAS?

A: Step 1: request to receive our info-brochure and read it carefully. Step 2: fill out, sign and send to DIGNITAS (by airmail, fax or e-mail) the declaration of membership form attached to the brochure (or request a separate form).

Q: Do I need to send any money with my declaration of membership?

A: No. Wait for DIGNITAS' written confirmation of your declaration and membership; it contains an invoice with detailed payment instructions.

Q: I suffer from a mental illness and/or psychological problems. Can DIGNITAS arrange an accompanied suicide for me?

A: This is very difficult, a lengthy and complex proceeding with many obstacles and there is no guarantee to receive the “provisional green light” for an accompanied suicide. It depends much on the quality of the medical file: clear diagnosis of the illness, description of its cause and development, proof of all therapies tried (with or without success) plus an in-depth psychiatric appraisal concerning the capacity of judgement and discernment in regard of the wish for a self-determined end of life, also confirming that this wish is not a symptom of the psychiatric illness but a well-considered balance decision.

Q: I suffer from a severe and/or terminal physical illness and I wish for an accompanied suicide with DIGNITAS

A: Read our info-brochure carefully, especially the part “prerequisites”.

Q: How long does it take for the preparation of an accompanied suicide?

A: On average 3 to 4 months from a first contact until the actual journey to DIGNITAS.

Q: Do I need to provide medical evidence such as reports by my doctors ?

A: Yes of course. Read our info-brochure carefully, especially the part “prerequisites”.

Q: Does DIGNITAS offer euthanasia?

A: No. Euthanasia implies putting down someone on his or her request. This is prohibited in Switzerland. However, Swiss law allows for assisted / accompanied suicide.

Q: I would like to support DIGNITAS, what can I do?

A: The best way to support DIGNITAS is to become a member. Through this, you support DIGNITAS not only financially, but also personally – in the sense of “one for all - all for one”: the more members DIGNITAS counts, the more weight has its voice in public.


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P.O. Box 17
8127 Forch

Telephone international
+41 43 366 10 70
Telephone within Switzerland
043 366 10 70
(Mon to Fri, 9:00 - 12:00 / 13:30 - 16:30 hours)

Fax international
+41 43 366 10 79
Fax within Switzerland
043 366 10 79