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Members of DIGNITAS by country of residency as of 31 December 2023
Accompanied suicide of members of DIGNITAS, by year and by country of residency 1998 - 2023
Life Expectancy, Suicide, Assisted Suicide, Deaths, Population, in Switzerland since 1969 (PDF)
This statistic by DIGNITAS – To live with dignity – To die with dignity summarises several statistics by the Swiss Federal Statistical Office
Assisted suicide and suicide in Switzerland Analyses of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office Year 1998 - 2014 (Link / PDF)
Assistance in suicide means supporting a person in his goal to end his own life. The wish for assisted suicide is usually the last resort taken at the end of a serious disease. The analyses on assisted suicide and suicide refers to persons who are resident in Switzerland, i.e. on the permanent resident population regardless of nationality and place of death.
Suicide statistics for the UK and Republic of Ireland provided by The Samaritans (Link)
End-of-Life-Choice in Member States of the Council of Europe as of July 2024