Articles / Press / Radio / TV


4 August 2017

"You've been my world"

The story of Andrew Tyler, director of Animal Aid and former music writer

Article in the Daily Mirror (Link) and (PDF)

14 March 2014

"Helping Dad die: a daughter's story"

Article in the Financial Times Magazine (Link)

13 October 2012

“When a loved one wants to die”

Article in the ‘Irish Times’ by Alan Gilsenan, producer of the documentary ‘A Time to Die’ covering his team’s journey into the subject of assisted suicide in Ireland (Link)

30 January 2010

“A moral question of how to die – On the big day, Kathleen (Kay) Carter chose to wear the blue floral scarf that was given to her by her sister”

Article in the “Vancouver Sun” (Link)

5 July 2005

"Darling… please help me to die"

Article in the magazine "Bella" (PDF)

21 January 2003

"Terminally ill man's journey to Switzerland to find dignity - and death"

Article in "The Independent" (Link)


Latest News


Well Worth Seeing


Twenty years after John's death

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Assisted Dying is not the easy way out

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"Cracking the taboo on suicide is the best means to prevent suicide attempts and deaths by suicide"

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Assisted Dying in Culture

Assisted Lab’s Living Archive of Assisted Dying

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Bristol Museum & Art Gallery

death: the human experience

Bristol Museum & Art Gallery: death - the human experience

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death: is it your right to choose?

Bristol Museum & Art Gallery: death - is it your right to choose

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Documentaries and more

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